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Coming Up |

Five Senses Workshop for Malaysian Kids

May 27, 2017

This afternoon Mom and Dad are not around, we are on our own!

We sew, we arrange flowers, we create our own music, we make scarecrows.

Things are not easy, but I am having fun.

Parents-kids' workshop

July 23, 2016

Let's set a lovely place together.

To Smell-make our own aroma bottle

To See-draw the pictures to decorate our place 

To Feel-set everything as we wish

To Taste-have some tea and snack

To Listen-understand each other

The Four Happiest Things in Our Life

January 09, 2016

The Four Happiest Things in Our Life----Lin Yutang


1. Sleeping in your bed at home.

2. Having the meal made by parents.

3. Hearing sweet words from those you love.

4. Playing with kids.

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